Admission Process for Lower Secondary Students

Admission steps for lower secondary level:

  1. Filling in the application form.
  2. Meeting the candidate and his/her parents and having a school tour. During this meeting, they will find out information regarding the educational principles of Paradis International College and its community, but also details about the curriculum and the co-curricular activities.
  3. The candidate’s interview with the admissions committee, allowing them to get to know the student’s personality.
  4. Internal exam organized to verify the student’s knowledge of mathematics and Romanian language; the minimum grade for admission is 8 (eight).
  5. The presentation of an internationally recognized certificate of English language skills specific to this level: A2 Flyers. For candidates who do not hold the certificate of language skills, an internal exam is organized to verify their knowledge of the English language, which consists of an oral test and a written test.
  6. The presentation of medical records including information on the child’s chronic conditions, allergies, special needs, etc.
  7. The admission committee will give an answer to the candidate within 72 hours after the evaluation.
  8. If the candidate is admitted, their parents will sign the tuition contract, will fill in the file and pay the admission fee (representing the tuition fee for the first month).