Lower Secondary School

At the secondary school level we follow the Romanian national curriculum, with all that it implies: standards, benchmarks and competences, as well as learning content and forms of assessment.
In the 8th grade an intensive preparation programme is implemented in Romanian language and Mathematics to prepare students for the National Assessment exam.
Cambridge Curriculum
We supplement the Romanian national curriculum at secondary school level with subjects studied according to the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum (English, Mathematics and Science). These subjects are structured in a balanced way, fitting into the national, cultural context and ethos of the school and provide a solid foundation for both students who choose to continue their secondary education on the Cambridge track and those who choose the Romanian national track at secondary school.
The assessment of knowledge acquired in Cambridge Lower Secondary involves progress tests held at the end of 6th, 7th and 8th grades. These tests are administered and assessed by teachers in the school, following the grading scale provided by Cambridge International Examinations. They generate reports showing the progress of each pupil over the years of study, but also serve as a tool for the continuous improvement of education by identifying the students’ strengths and weaknesses.
The secondary cycle ends, according to the Cambridge structure, at the end of 8th grade, when students take the Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint examinations, which are held in school but assessed by Cambridge International Examination specialists.