Here, at Paradis International College, we strongly believe that the development and well-being of our students depends on good collaboration between the school and their parents.
That is why we organize regular meetings with parents and open lessons in which they are welcome to participate.
On the Kinderpedia platform they can consult their children’s school situation and receive feedback from teachers on their work.
Any parental involvement in school life is encouraged and appreciated.
We are delighted to have a proactive and enthusiastic Parents’ Representative Council, formed of parent representatives from every year group and grade, from pre-school to secondary level. This is where parents propose activities, give feedback on the school activity and where community educational policies are discussed.
How can you get involved?/strong>
- Volunteer at school events!
- Take part in the Parents’ School meetings!
- Send us your ideas, suggestions and opinions to:
The harmonious environment that Paradis has managed to create, oriented towards the development of the senses, has deeply touched the parents on many occasions. I don’t think there is another kindergarten with more colourful festivities, joy and excitement, such well-thought-out trips and more involved and well-organized educators. As a parent, I want my child’s development to be as harmonious as possible, and here, at Paradis, I know that our little girl’s development will soon exceed even our own expectations.

Paradis is a school where academic excellence blends perfectly with the children’s personal development and everything happens under the supervision of gifted teachers. I am grateful for the uplifting moral values with which you build, every day, the majestic wings of knowledge and belonging to the Romanian nation.

This place is not only about the didactic experience; it is, first of all, about the discovery of human values, about inspiring the minds and souls of children with genuineness, modesty, courage in their own strength, the power of unity, lasting friendship and of belonging to a community.

I discovered original ideas, creativity, emotional intelligence and a lot of love for children at Paradis school. In general, things are perfectible and the permanent need for the children’s development, their creativity and interest in learning about the world is a real challenge for any school, but what I have observed in these years gives me confidence and optimism that “The best is yet to come!”.

As the mother of two children, 7 and 12, I am grateful to the Paradis team for the teachers that fully understand their duty of shaping destinies. Paradis project is a large-scale one and it can only be successful together with the people around it – people who are young in face and soul, true sources of inspiration for my children.

I recommend parents who are looking for a natural solution for a sincere smile, without any tricks, to enter the community of Paradis parents. They will probably smile from the moment they enter the school, when they hear the sounds of the piano or the drums, or when they feel the elaborate concern of the educators and teachers from Paradis for the subjects they methodically teach, such as: preserving traditions, freedom of expression, respecting and valuing those around you, emotional and artistic intelligence, learning through play, rigor, team spirit and building self-confidence.

Paradis is about people who turn education into art. In Paradis there are no educators, teachers and professors, but MAGICIANS who welcome children with a smile on their face, with dedication and love, who know how to value and discover everything that is good and beautiful in a child. Paradis is love for children and for knowledge, a world where they experience learning at high levels of thinking, creativity, development.
Here you find an emotional balance that is constantly improved, each child is listened to and guided correctly, with friendship, based on a set of rules, which they apply and follow. The children of Paradis are mentally and emotionally guided, always challenged to improve themselves, to be free and always to help. It’s fantastic to be a Good person! And just as children are the mirror of adults, Paradis is the place where children, teachers and parents live a beautiful life story.

Classes begin and end with a smile that welcomes him into the school yard and we know that during his time there he is not only safe, but also helped and encouraged by teachers to cultivate skills and behaviours that allow him to develop harmoniously.
“It takes a village to raise a child” says an old proverb, and Paradis School succeeds in creating a strong community of teachers and parents who share common values and are involved with collective responsibility in the child’s education, so that they can belong to and grow up in a safe and healthy environment.
For all of this, I am grateful and I thank you!

For me, Paradis is not just a school, it is the place where my girls, in addition to gaining knowledge, grow as people, are taught to see the beauty in others, to love their roots, to become responsible, empathic and, why not, the leaders of tomorrow.

In 2014 I discovered that there is an education system in Iași adapted to our days and the current generations and that is based on professionalism, clearly defined values, openness and dedicated teachers, who patiently and delicately instil into the souls of our children the desire to learn, to be better in everything they do.
9 years in Paradis, two happy children and multiple skills, all acquired during these years. We, the parents, are grateful and happy that we can have a complete educational path for our girls in Paradis International College. Thank you!

Being a parent of a student enrolled at Paradis School means, first of all, having the confidence that he is safe, that he is fed, that he is supported and stimulated during the course of his development – both cognitively and psycho-emotionally. Bonus, my son is inspired by teachers who are passionate about the world of their subject, which they share and have the ability to motivate him to follow.

We have been part of the Paradis community for 7 years and during this time we have collected many beautiful memories and experiences: we ran, planted trees, made snowmen, baked cookies, participated in competitions, exams, trips, camps, shows.
During all this time, I saw how our girls admirably, with a lot of courage, make their own way in life, discover themselves, develop harmoniously, build sincere friendships with classmates and real connections with teachers.

From the beginning, we felt that Paradis School would be a very suitable choice for our child and the years that passed have proven to us that the choice we made was very inspired. Here I found a team of teachers with whom my child not only has the opportunity to become a good specialist in the field he decides to choose, but he also has the chance to develop as a free and strong spirit.
Perhaps the greatest joy for me was finding gifted teachers here. A team of passionate young people with amazing energy who manage to form future adults who are balanced, responsible, self-confident, aware of their value and that of the others, daring, always curious, adaptable, persistent and very good communicators.

Paradis is the place that gave and still gives us wonderful people, with a lot of patience, with a lot of attention and dedication to each individual child. And, I have to admit it, to me as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Paradis team, for everything you are, for all the dedication and passion you show every day and in the face of every challenge (and I know they are not few).

Paradis School reminded us that “school” is about training and not about transmitting information; about stimulating creativity, about leadership and personal development, about curiosity and critical sense, about collaboration and team spirit. In the four years spent at Paradis School, Alexandra studied, but she also sang (a lot), painted, travelled, cried, had fun, cooked, etc. And all the activities she participated in turned her into the teenager we are so proud of now. Thank you, Paradis!

I discovered a school where the teachers are passionate about their job, permanently connected to the innovations in their fields in order to respond as best as possible to the needs of the children. By taking an experiential approach to subjects, it creates an environment for students where they are encouraged to ask questions and are stimulated to think critically and creatively.
Through the eyes of my own child, who is now going through her high school years, Paradis is the place where she found mentors who keep awake her curiosity and motivation to learn and to find her own path, her own vocation.

We have been with Paradis School for 15 years. We chose to offer our children an education based on quality, centred on the student’s personal skills, on healthy principles, on authentic personal development, together with dedicated teachers, both from a professional and human point of view. We chose quality, balance, the pleasure of going to school, the passion for science. We are happy with the children’s results and the international opportunities that this school offers them.

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel” said Socrates and he would have repeated had he been invited to the opening of a new school year at Paradis. I think that’s what it’s all about: openings. About a successful start that every child should have the chance to get and I can say with certainty that, at Paradis, students have this chance. As parents, we confidently embraced a new “system” and the PEOPLE building the “system” embraced our son with care, attention and love. This is what I constantly felt, in addition to professionalism, during the 9 years of school at Paradis.

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and I strongly believe that Paradis represents the best for my child. It is a delight to the mind and soul to be among them. Teachers who are extremely dedicated and close to each individual child, students with smiling faces and dreamy eyes, confident that they are in the right place and that they will be able to achieve their goals.For us, Paradis means seriousness, dedication, freedom, trust. If I had to choose a famous quote that characterizes them, it would be this: “There is no substitute for hard working” (Thomas Edison).