Survival Camp

Getting close to nature and challenging students to step out of their comfort zone have always been priorities for our school, and the survival camp is the ideal place to attain these two goals.

These camps, organized for primary, middle and high school levels, are held over 2-3 days up to five days, depending on the ages of the students, either near the forests around Iasi or in the mountain areas. These activities, in which children stay in tents they set up themselves, eat food they cook, where they often face the weather, teach them to appreciate simplicity and understand the splendour of nature, living inharmony with it. During these survival camps, children learn from both supervising teachers and specialist instructors how to build a shelter, how to light a fire without modern means, how to find their way in nature, how to face the challenges of nature, and how to manage their resources. All these adventures are designed to help students develop resilience, the ability to make quick and correct decisions and work as a team, and last but not least, teach them to respect and love nature.