Tuition Fees

Tuition fees/year* for the school year 2024-2025:

Preschool level …………………………. 4.000 euro/year
Primary level ……………………………… 4.550 euro/year
Lower Secondary school level ……………. 4.550 euro/year
High school level – Romanian line …….. 4.400 euro/year
High school level – Cambridge line …….… 7.600 euro/year

Meal rates

Preschool …………………………. 6,6 euro/day
Primary level…………………………. 7,2 euro/day
Secondary level …………………………. 7,4 euro/day
High School level …………………………. 7,6 euro/day

*The school year is 10 months long (September – June)

The school fees includes:

  • all compulsory courses for preschool, primary, secondary or high school level;
  • educational resources (textbooks, coursebooks and educational programmes);
  • preschool supplies;
  • the after-school programme;
  • educational platforms (including Prisms VR);
  • additional training hours in Romanian language and mathematics in 4th grade for the entrance exams for secondary education;
  • additional preparation hours in Romanian language and mathematics in 8th grade in preparation for the National Evaluation exam;
  • additional hours of preparation for the Baccalaureate examination subjects;
  • preparation for foreign language exams (Cambridge, IELTS, Zertifikat Deutsch);
  • counselling for students and parents;
  • assessment reports on psycho-emotional, cognitive and motor development for preschool level;
  • evaluation reports for pupils sent to parents;
  • reports by advisory teachers;
  • access to the Kinderpedia platform (electronic catalogue);
  • participation in Olympiads and various competitions;
  • celebrations and events (conferences, concerts, workshops, festivals) organised by the school;
  • Round Square activities;
  • information and advice on career guidance;
  • assistance and guidance in the process of admission to universities at home and abroad.

The tuition fees are set by the Board of Directors of Paradis International College, in accordance with the provisions of Law 198/2023, article 137, paragraph 3.