Visual Arts

In our Visual Arts Club, we approach a wide series of techniques and subjects in order to allow our students to find their individual strengths, and this leads to the integration of more students with different degrees of experience and skills.

Every year we organize the project Art Exhibition on the Catwalk, in which various artistic trends are studied in an interdisciplinary way, fine art being combined with music, design, literature, history, etc.

We exhibit the children’s paintings every year in school or in places chosen thematically (museums or in nature), we produce an album with these works and we facilitate the pupils’ discovery and experimentation with the style and techniques of other artists, through visits to various galleries and museums in the country and abroad.

We go back to our roots, exploring the technique of pottery modelling, both in the school and in Tansa Village Museum, set up as part of the volunteer project.

Also, masters of traditional art come to share their knowledge and love of Romanian ancestral beauty with the students. Thus, the artist Ionela Mihuleac held several ceramics workshops and the sculptor Sorin Pașaniuc worked with the children on a miniature gate from Maramureș.